Errand report system

With a good aftermarket or errand report system, you ensure that no cases are missed, streamline the process and reduce costs.


Gather all handling in one system

Collect your incoming errands and cases into one system. It should be easy for both tenants/residents and yourselves to create a case and follow the status.

Our system Service handles cases, aftermarket errands, warranty commitments, service commitments and fault reports.

With a good aftermarket or errand report system, you ensure that no cases are missed, streamline the process and reduce costs.

Forward your errands to the right executor, get an overview and statistics of all projects and properties. The system ties together all communication between end customers, clients, managers, general contractor and subcontractors.

Let nothing fall through the cracks; avoid emails in different inboxes, calls that are not followed-up or excel lists that need to be updated.

At any time, you have the option to export data and statistics on the number of cases, type of cases, correspondence times and on how, for example, subcontractors perform.

Today, community properties and commercial properties are managed in the system. We are happy to tell you more about how the system can be adapted to your business.


With Envise Service as a tool for the administration, we can work more organized and more easily manage several projects in parallel. We get an overview and can analyze the projects and draw good conclusions for future projects.
Christer Larsson, founder and CEO of BoNorr AB


We save the equivalent of one day’s work per month by not having to compile all the information for our clients, thanks to Envise Service.
Kim Larsson, CEO of PLL Fastighetsförvaltning & PLL Entreprenad


Read more about the solution

How is communication with contractors and other parties involved handled in Service?

The system is developed to keep together the entire communication flow between notifiers, administrators, trustees, contractors and more. Notifiers and other external parties receive notices by email or SMS and can easily reply via the same channel, and all communications are stored in one and the same system.

Can you connect automatic document loading to Service?

Yes, the function automatically reads email and attachments (PDF, DOC and XLS), and automatically creates a case in the system.

Can we use QR codes to make it easier for the registrant to find the right place?

Absolutely! With unique QR codes, the notifier lands directly on the right page for his/her notification. Simple, fast and mobile.

We would like to connect video calls to case management. Does that work?

Yes, it saves a lot of time with an initial video call when reporting a fault, both unnecessary and incorrect driving out can be avoided.

Is the system mobile-friendly?

Yes absolutely! It is just as easy to work in the system from your computer as from a tablet or mobile phone.

Can Service be integrated with our other systems?

Yes, we have an open API and documentation that allows integrations with property systems, business systems, financial systems or others.

What types of properties can I manage in Service?

The system is adapted to be used for all types of properties, residential, commercial properties & community properties.

Why should I as a property manager use this solution?

As a property manager, you get a tool that helps you in your daily work with ongoing error reports, feedback on matters, statistics and history for your properties. It becomes easy to keep track of rounds and other important dates. You can delegate matters to other contractors if the fault reports concern warranty matters and invite external parties into the system to simplify your various processes. The system can also be integrated with your property or business system.

Why should I, as a project developer, use your solution?

As a project developer, you get a white-label solution for receiving error reports and feedback to your customers. The customer can follow his case in real time and receives notices and updates on communication and status updates. The system helps you keep track of your contractors and enables easy delegation to the responsible contractor in your projects. All communication is saved in one and the same system and you can, via the push of a button, extract specific and overall statistics for all your projects.

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